

Latency Issues with RTSP Stream Capture on IP Camera ...

2023年5月1日 — IP Camera Capture RTSP stream big latency OPENCV, How to reduce delay ... Achieving low latency with RTSP on OpenCV in Python may not be feasible.

Latency when using a http or rtsp Stream as input #8160

2022年6月9日 — ... opencv the delay is almost non-existent. But when I open the http video in yolov5, I suddenly have about 5 seconds delay and slight jerks.

Lot of Delay with my RTSP cam with OpenCV on Python

2020年12月10日 — 1 answer ... the camera will produce frames at its own constant rate. if you don't consume them promptly, they queue up. that is the delay you see ...

Open CV RTSP camera buffer lag

2020年3月23日 — So I gave multiprocessing a shot. I wrote the below class to handle the camera connection: import cv2 import time import multiprocessing as mp ...


RTSP - UDP - TCP streams in OpenCV (with neglectable latency). It is a known issue with RTSP streams and time-consuming algorithms such as deep learning ...

RTSP is slow when using Opencv

2021年2月23日 — Hello. I'm trying to create a program that when a motion is detected, it takes a picture of a car and storage it, but, I'm using cv2.

RTSP video record time delay

2022年11月14日 — The first thing I would try is to decrease the number in the cv2.waiyKey from 400 to 1. cv2.waitKey(1). tell me if it works. – Roy Amoyal.